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21 Terrible Bootleg Toys Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

If you’re a parent or a kid, hopefully you’ll never come across these terrible bootleg toys. These bootleg toys are so bad, they’ve crossed the line into awesome. This gallery has some of the best of them. I mean, who thinks that these toys will actually sell? And I pity the kid who has to open one of these on Christmas or Hanukkah. Can you imagine running downstairs on your birthday or a holiday and opening up a brand new “Specialman?” Or what about “Spaderman?” You know, James Spader’s superhero brother? Or what about a demonic version of Winnie the

21 Terrible Bootleg Toys

If you’re a parent or a kid, hopefully you’ll never come across these terrible bootleg toys. These bootleg toys are so bad, they’ve crossed the line into awesome. This gallery has some of the best of them. I mean, who thinks that these toys will …