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34 Funny Parking Notes Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures ,

How many times have you wanted to leave a parking note for an asshole who doesn't know how to park. You know the ones...they take up two parking spaces like a total oblivious moron and leave you about an inch to get out of your car when you're in the grocery store parking lot. Or there's the people who hit your car and decide to leave a hilarious note with no details as if to mock you. Either way parking sucks, but someone even a bad parking job is made better with these hilarious parking notes.

We especially like the parking notes that are seemingly made up ahead of time like a business card, so all you have to do is pull one out of your wallet and stick it under the windshield of the unsuspecting party and voila! Your day is made. Or you can make up a long and hilarious note with appropriate drawings of penises and other figures that accurately portray the dickhead who took up two spots. We've all seen those cars and so wish that we had time and the balls to leave a mean and funny note for them. After all, karma is a bitch. Especially Carma!

34 Funny Parking Notes

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How many times have you wanted to leave a parking note for an asshole who doesn't know how to park. You know the ones...they take up two parking spaces like a total oblivious moron and leave you about an inch to get out of your car when you're in the grocery store parking lot. Or there's the people who hit your car and decide to leave a hilarious note with no details as if to mock you. Either way parking sucks, but someone even a bad parking job is made better with these hilarious parking notes.

We especially like the parking notes that are seemingly made up ahead of time like a business card, so all you have to do is pull one out of your wallet and stick it under the windshield of the unsuspecting party and voila! Your day is made. Or you can make up a long and hilarious note with appropriate drawings of penises and other figures that accurately portray the dickhead who took up two spots. We've all seen those cars and so wish that we had time and the balls to leave a mean and funny note for them. After all, karma is a bitch. Especially Carma!

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