Everyone knows cats are smart and nothing can stands in their way of their friends. It doesn’t take long for the cat to figure out how to outsmart their two-legged friends. The only question is how high do we need to stack the rolls of toilet paper. This should be the next Olympics event.
Funny Gifs
Funny Gifs
If you have a cat, you know how awesome they can be. Left to their own devices, cats can pretty much get away with doing anything. And in this case, that includes yoga poses. This awesome GIF shows a trained yoga professional doing an extremely intricate yoga pose. And then you see an amazing cat doing pretty much the same thing. It’s awesome.
This Cat Is Really Good at Yoga

If you have a brother or sister, then you know what an emotional rollercoaster the experience can be. Even though you spent the majority of your life so far being completely annoyed with them, your sibling was also your best friend and confidante. Now as you grow older your sibling(s) still annoy you, but you can also appreciate them understanding you like nobody else can. After all, they were there for you and with you when you grew up, and now as an adult they will still always be there for you. Aside from your parents and spouse, they are
What It’s Really Like to Have a Sibling

These funny kid gifs are so amazing, we could watch them over and over again. What is it about babies and toddlers that is just so funny? Everything they do is comical…they are like the cutest drunk people you’ve ever met, and you can’t help but laugh when they do things like eat lemons for the first time, try to walk, bob their heads to the music, take a bath, and try to place nice (or not so nice) with their pets. These funny kid gifs show us why being a baby or toddler is the best. And there are
Funny Kid Gifs

Having that morning cup of coffee is made even better when you have a funny coffee mug, which is why we went off on a search to find the best ones out there! This collection of 33 Funny Coffee Mugs has definitely made our day a little brighter. Who comes up with these things? Some of these funny coffee mugs are really amazing, not just for their humor but because some of them change when you add a hot beverage to them. Sure, we all love the “Best Dad” or “Best Mom” mugs, but why not delight your children in
33 Funny Coffee Mugs

Since when did people falling down get some downright hysterical? Probably with the invention of the Gif. Thanks to Gifs, we can watch the precise moment people fall down and watch it over and over and over and over until we can’t take it anymore. And then we’ll probably post it on Dose of Funny and watch it again. C’est la vie! This collection of funny gifs of people falling down is kind of epic. It’s like winning the people falling down lottery. You can browse through the funniest Gifs in one place and then pray you don’t fall
21 Funny Gifs of People Falling Down

Is there anything better than a collection of funny gifs? We scoured the internet high and low to find the best funny gifs out there, and we guarantee you this assortment of epic gifs will leave you laughing for days. There are so many classic funny gifs in this gallery we don’t even know where to begin. From the dancing pug who is too embarrassed to have his owner see him (my personal favorite) to the Vietnam flashback dog, kid trying to take a drink out of a hose who has a major fail, to the dirt diving swimmer or
Best Funny Gifs of All Time

Optical illusions can mess with your mind and make you think you’re seeing things that aren’t there. That’s what is so cool about most of them. This collection of pictures and gifs will feel like P90x for your brain. There are three types of optical illusions: literal, physiological, and cognitive. Ambiguous illusions are pictures or objects that elicit a perceptual “switch” between the alternative interpretations. The man’s face is also an example of one. Physiological illusions are the pictures that appear to be moving. These are caused by bright colors leaving what’s called an “afterimage” in your brain. The optical illusions pictured
17 Optical Illusions You Have to See to Believe

Babies and toddlers are a lot like drunk people. That’s why these funny gifs of kids sleeping are so hilarious. They can go from crying to laughing in the blink of an eye, and when it comes to sleeping they can pass out anywhere: on the toilet, on the floor, on the kitchen sink, and on top of a moving train (yes, that is possible. I’ve seen it). This funny gif collection of babies and toddlers falling asleep anywhere they feel like it reminds us just how nice it is to be a child. Mostly because nobody ever got mad
These Kids Can Fall Asleep Anywhere

If you haven’t heard of Wasted Gifs you should change that right now because there are my favorite new gif theme memes. The premise is simple, take a gif where someone, or something (possibly a dog) has some sort of hilarious accident like falling over or crashing into something and punctuate it with the gif background going dark and red “Wasted” text which is straight out of those cheesy PSA videos they used to show you at school (Hence the name wasted gifs.) As in, Annie got wasted at the party and then killed 100 people because of drugs. (We’re
I Can’t Stop Laughing At These Wasted Gifs

Trampoline gifs are the only reason I can find to owning an actual trampoline. Not only are they crazy dangerous, but they don’t even seem to be that much fun. When you’re not flying off somewhere and about ready to break your legs and/or face, you’re about to break someone else’s legs or face. If you look at the stats, there’s no question that trampolines are some of the more dangerous backyard toys that kid (and adults) play with. Sure, it’s good exercise, but it’s also up there with lawn darts when it comes to maybe not the best idea
14 Totally Crazy Trampoline Gifs

Funny prank gifs are the cream of the crop when it comes to gifs, as far as I am concerned. Everyone loves a good natured prank. Well, everyone who’s watching the prank being executed. The person who’s the prankee usually isn’t a huge fan of pranks. But gifs are the perfect vehicle pranks. You get the cream of the crop and the best part of the prank: the payoff. There’s no fat, no wasted buildup, just the best part of the prank, in gif form. Because you can easily figure out what’s happening in each of these gifs. Some of
35 Very Funny Prank Gifs