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Baby Hears Parents Voice for the First Time in Amazing Video Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,

In this touching video, a baby hears his parents voices for the first time, and the results are absolutely incredible.

The parents, who appear to be Australian, uploaded the amazing video and said this about the results:

Our beautiful son Lachlan was diagnosed as having moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears. When he was 7 weeks old he received his first hearing aids. His reaction when they were turned on was truly amazing. We cried from happiness. Our beautiful little boy is now two years old and doing remarkably well.

Watch a baby hear his parents for the first time is so amazing and touching it's hard not to cry tears of joys when you see it. Baby Lachlan is an adorable baby, and being given the gift of hearing is a miraculous sight to see.

In the video, you see the doctor put the new hearing aid on baby Lachlan. The baby cries at first not knowing what is going on, but as soon as the doctor puts the hearing aid on and the sound from his parents voices starts coming in, a smile comes across his face instantly as the baby hears his parents voices for the first time. The parents are overwhelmed with joy, and so are we.


Baby Hears Parents Voice for the First Time in Amazing Video

In this touching video, a baby hears his parents voices for the first time, and the results are absolutely incredible.

The parents, who appear to be Australian, uploaded the amazing video and said this about the results:

Our beautiful son Lachlan was diagnosed as having moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears. When he was 7 weeks old he received his first hearing aids. His reaction when they were turned on was truly amazing. We cried from happiness. Our beautiful little boy is now two years old and doing remarkably well.

Watch a baby hear his parents for the first time is so amazing and touching it’s hard not to cry tears of joys when you see it. Baby Lachlan is an adorable baby, and being given the gift of hearing is a miraculous sight to see.

In the video, you see the doctor put the new hearing aid on baby Lachlan. The baby cries at first not knowing what is going on, but as soon as the doctor puts the hearing aid on and the sound from his parents voices starts coming in, a smile comes across his face instantly as the baby hears his parents voices for the first time. The parents are overwhelmed with joy, and so are we.


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