Police Academy 4, Zed:
People just don’t understand me.
Police Academy 4, Zed:
No, I mean who I am. Man, now I have to worry about my diction too?
Police Academy 4, Zed:
Gene, Gene made a machine, and Joe, Joe made it go. Art, Art blew a fart and blew the whole damn thing apart.
Police Academy 4, Zed:
It’s getting to the point now when I’m with you, I no longer want to have something stuck in my eye… Your mother, my mother ain’t never looked like Florence Henderson…
Police Academy 3, Zed:
Get out of my way!
Police Academy 3, Zed:
Hey, that’s no problem.
Police Academy 3, Zed:
Nice bike! Where do you put the batteries?
Police Academy 2, Zed:
Don’t make me flare my nostrils!
One Crazy Summer, Egg Stork:
Oh, thank you, I think I will have some cookies-aehah!
One Crazy Summer, Egg Stork:
No! No! But I used to beat the shit out him! Why are you so fat? Why are so ugly?” Aaagghh!
One Crazy Summer, Egg Stork:
Ack Ack, let me tell you a little story. A story about a little fat kid who everybody made fun of, and nobody liked and he had a twin brother, and everybody said he never looked like his twin brother, but he wanted to…
Burglar, Carl Hefler
Like-like-like-like-like-like-like you’re my idea of a dream come true – takin’ shit from a dildo with ears?
Burglar, Carl Hefler:
Fuck you? Thank you very much! I come here to give you a fuckin’ package and you decide to blow me shit?
Burglar, Carl Hefler:
You know when I was like five I said, Dad Dad! Can I get a job where random fuckin’ shitheads blow me crap all day?” I’m gonna break you in fuckin’ half and use your head has a ballpoint!
Blow, Mr. T:
I can’t feel my face… I mean, I can touch it, but I can’t feel it inside…
Scrooged, Elliot:
Yes. You’re, well, you’re a tad off base, sir. That thing looked like The Manson Family Christmas Special!
Scrooged, Elliot:
No, I don’t like your office.