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George Carlin on Religion and God Routine Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This clip of George Carlin on religion is exactly what you'd expect from a man who has made a career of skewering all of our institutions. There's really no comedian better at taking all the things our society blindly holds dear and breaking them down to their elements to make them look ridiculous. For example in this George Carlin on religion clip, George just explains the concept of God in simple terms: There's an invisible man in the sky who will make you burn forever if you don't believe in him...but he loves you. That simple sentence right there has the audience dying because when you look at it that way, it seems a little crazy.

In addition, he also talks about how God is an all knowing, all power, all sentient being, but he always needs money. No matter what. Religions take in billions of dollars and they pay no taxes, yet they always need money. He's an all powerful being, except he's just not that good with money.

And this George Carlin on religion clip also points out that he calls God a "He." Because he knows that no woman could ever screw things up as badly as they've been screwed up here. And he also refers to God's work on earth as that of a temp with a bad attitude.

Hilarious as always, this George Carlin on religion and God clip should be shown to everyone.
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George Carlin on Religion and God Routine

This clip of George Carlin on religion is exactly what you’d expect from a man who has made a career of skewering all of our institutions. There’s really no comedian better at taking all the things our society blindly holds dear and breaking them down to their elements to make them look ridiculous. For example in this George Carlin on religion clip, George just explains the concept of God in simple terms: There’s an invisible man in the sky who will make you burn forever if you don’t believe in him…but he loves you. That simple sentence right there has the audience dying because when you look at it that way, it seems a little crazy.

In addition, he also talks about how God is an all knowing, all power, all sentient being, but he always needs money. No matter what. Religions take in billions of dollars and they pay no taxes, yet they always need money. He’s an all powerful being, except he’s just not that good with money.

And this George Carlin on religion clip also points out that he calls God a “He.” Because he knows that no woman could ever screw things up as badly as they’ve been screwed up here. And he also refers to God’s work on earth as that of a temp with a bad attitude.

Hilarious as always, this George Carlin on religion and God clip should be shown to everyone.

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