Ahhh, strangers. Who doesn’t come across at least one hilarious, weird, scary, or insane stranger at least once a week (sometimes day). We work at home so our stranger connections are dwindled quite a bit. But when I do meet strangers, I can generally put them in one of those categories. Sometimes, however, strangers go above and beyond the typical meet and greet. Strangers can do lots of things that go above and beyond what a typical stranger should and can do. And one of our favorites happens to be when strangers leave notes. Yes, notes. If a stranger
These Stranger Notes are Hilarious

Ahhh, strangers. Who doesn’t come across at least one hilarious, weird, scary, or insane stranger at least once a week (sometimes day). We work at home so our stranger connections are dwindled quite a bit. But when I do meet strangers, I can generally …