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Unlikely Cat Owl Friendship Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This cat owl friendship is one of the most unlikely friendships I've ever seen in the animal kingdom. But this video proves it. This black cat and this very large owl seem to be the best of friends as they play in the forest and fields. It's almost like the owl flies by the cat just close enough for the cat to jump up and try to tap him. The first time you see the beginning of this cat owl video it almost looks like the either one of these animals is going to hurt the other one. At first it looks like the owl might be flying low enough to snatch the cat up (it seems like it could be big enough to pull that off). And on the other hand it also looks like the cat could jump high enough to knock the owl down to possibly attack it.

But as you watch more of this cat owl friendship video you see that these two guys just like hanging out with each other. The cat rubs up against the owl (a sign of trust and friendship) and the owl seems to do the same back to the cat.

Sometimes the cat bumps the owl too much and he almost falls over, but these to seem to genuinely like hanging out and playing. At one point it looks like the cat is stalking the owl, runs up super fast behind him, but instead of pouncing on him, he just jumps over him. I've never seen anything like it before!

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Unlikely Cat Owl Friendship

This cat owl friendship is one of the most unlikely friendships I’ve ever seen in the animal kingdom. But this video proves it. This black cat and this very large owl seem to be the best of friends as they play in the forest and fields. It’s almost like the owl flies by the cat just close enough for the cat to jump up and try to tap him. The first time you see the beginning of this cat owl video it almost looks like the either one of these animals is going to hurt the other one. At first it looks like the owl might be flying low enough to snatch the cat up (it seems like it could be big enough to pull that off). And on the other hand it also looks like the cat could jump high enough to knock the owl down to possibly attack it.

But as you watch more of this cat owl friendship video you see that these two guys just like hanging out with each other. The cat rubs up against the owl (a sign of trust and friendship) and the owl seems to do the same back to the cat.

Sometimes the cat bumps the owl too much and he almost falls over, but these to seem to genuinely like hanging out and playing. At one point it looks like the cat is stalking the owl, runs up super fast behind him, but instead of pouncing on him, he just jumps over him. I’ve never seen anything like it before!

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