These are the 50 best comedies ever. This is one man's opinion, but I watch a lot of movies and I love comedies. Feel free to disagree and tell me what I forgot in the comments.
50. Wet Hot American Summer (2001)
It seems like WHAS is on almost every underrated comedy list that has ever appeared on the Internet. We say it deserves to get off the underrated list and make best comedies ever list here. If you haven't seen it, go see it now. It's hilarious.
49. CB4 (1993)
If there's one blank spot on Chris Rock's resume it's a lack of huge, big comedy successes. And that's a shame because it seems like CB4, the story of suburban black kids pretending to be from the ghetto to gain street cred for their rap group, seems to be forever stuck in the "cult classic" bin. But that doesn't make it any less funny.
48. Back to School (1986)
For a comedian as important as Rodney Dangerfield, he didn't do a whole lot of movies. But the ones he was in, wow. They are awesome. Between Back to School and Caddyshack, he had one of the best batting averages of all time.
47. Superbad (2007)
This comedy starring Michael Cera and a much younger and fatter Jonah Hill came out of nowhere to put both of these guys (as well as the kid who played McLovin) on the comedy map. Jonah Hill has gone on to win an Academy Award but Superbad will always be one his best-loved comedies.
46. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994)
Jim Carrey has assured himself a place in the comedy hall of fame and this may have been the movie to set him apart as not just a guy who's good on sketch comedy (he started on In Living Color) but as a guy who could carry an entire movie (let alone of the best comedies ever) with his facial features and ridiculous antics.
45. The Hangover (2009)
Don't let the subpar sequels tarnish your memory of the very first Hangover movie (although the third one is actually pretty good.) The Hangover is hilarious. Zack Galifianakus is hilarious. Even the baby is hilarious.
44. Election (1999)
There aren't many movies like Election. Starring Matthew Broderick and Reese Witherspoon, Election is part drama, part comedy, but the part comedy is so smart that it belongs on the list of best comedies ever. This is so criminally underrated that it should be on every funny movie list ever created.
43. Clueless (1995)
When Clueless first came out I think it got a bad rap as just a dumb comedy for dumb people. Well, it's not. It's super smart and funny. And proof of that is how it has stood the test of time. It's still funny 20 years later.
42. 48 Hours (1982)
There's really nothing a young Eddie Murphy couldn't do that I wouldn't watch. Eddie was 23 years old when 48 Hours came out. That is insane if you watch this. His confidence, his ability to play roles beyond his years is unbelievable. He's a genius. He's the best. Eddie Murphy we still love you.
41. I'm Gonna Git You Sucka (1988)
When I was younger, this was always a movie I heard about but had to go find it to see it. And it was worth it. It launched the careers of the Wayans brothers and there's a reason why you find it on a lot of best comedies ever lists. Mainly because it's really, really, funny.)
40. Wayne's World (1992)
Mike Meyers is going through a bit of a rough patch now. He's fallen far out of favor and all of his new endeavors have bombed. And to be honest, a lot of his movies haven't aged very well. 15 years ago, Austin Powers would be at the top of almost every best comedies ever lists and it doesn't even crack the top 50 now. But Waynes World will always have a soft spot for everyone who grew up in the 80s and early 90s. It belongs on a list of the best comedies ever.
39. Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
We've already discussed how Eddie Murphy can (almost) do no wrong in our eyes. And Beverly Hills Cop is another example of Eddie in his prime. Heck, even the sequels were pretty good. And who doesn't like Judge Reinhold?
38. Blazing Saddles (1974)
This movie was a little before my time, but even at a young age I was very aware of the campfire bean eating scene, which may be one of the more classic comedy scenes in history. Everyone I knew growing up, from my grandmother to my mother to the kid down the street talked about this scene for the whole year after Blazing Saddles came out. Oh, and the rest of it is really funny, too.
37. Tommy Boy (1995)
Chris Farley died too early. This is a well-known fact. Which adds a bit of sadness to any Chris Farley comedy. But thankfully it doesn't dim the mood more than this big lug brightens it. I still say "fat guy in a little coat" to this day. And it's funny every single time. Definitely deserving of best comedies ever status.
36. Bridesmaids (2011)
I hate breaking comedy up into the sexes, but it feels kind of fake to not point out that this might be the funniest female comedy of all time. Not that there are a lot of them, but most female-based comedies turn into a rom com of some sort. Bridesmaids, thankfully, never opts for that easy path. Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy are hilarious throughout. And the diarrhea scene is up there with any comedy scene ever.
35. Zoolander (2001)
Another cult classic, this was Ben Stiller's pet project. And while it's funnier than almost any Ben Stiller movie out there, for some reason it didn't do as well in the theaters as expected. If you ever seen this on cable while you're scrolling through, there's a good chance you're going to put your remote down and watch the rest of it.
34. Friday (1995)
Who knew Ice Cube was funny? (We all knew Chris Tucker was funny.) But this hood comedy full of weed references delivers time and time again. The sequels may not have, but we're not ranking the sequels here, are we?
33. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
What's left to say about Ferris? Everything has been said about this movie that needs to be said, so let's just enjoy it for what it is and move on.
32. There's Something About Mary (1998)
If I had to pick a favorite moment from There's Something About Mary, which isn't an easy thing to pick, I would have to pick something that is a little more subtle, but makes me laugh everytime I think about it. And that's Matt Dylan's oversized teeth. He has them installed because he heard Mary say something about loving large choppers while he was listening to her over surveillance. It's little things like that that make this one of the best loved comedies ever.
31. Groundhog Day (1993)
If you're like me, there's a good chance that you will watch Bill Murray in anything. Which makes it even better when he's in a movie that isn't the same cookie cutter crap you see all the time. This script is so weird and off the wall that only someone like Bill Murray could pull it off.
30. Kingpin (1996)
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this is one of the most underrated comedies ever. From the beginning scene where the little kid tries to jump over the fence and falls to the very end Kingpin is just flat out hilarious. I'm not sure why it doesn't show up on more best comedies ever list. Watch it again and tell me I'm wrong.
29. Fletch (1985)
Chevy Chase had a great run in the 80s. From Saturday Night Live to the Vacation movies, he was awesome. But don't sleep on Fletch. It's one of his finest moments of his career.
28. Dumb and Dumber (1994)
Jim Carrey was a hit machine in the early 90s and you would go see anything he put out. And the best part was, almost all of it was good (even after he left comedy behind and focused on dramas), the man has had an almost impeccable career. The best part of this movie is the title, though, I think. You know exactly what you're going to get, and it delivers in spades.
27. Caddyshack (1980)
1980 was a great year for movies. Both Caddyshack and Blues Brothers came out in this year and both are featured on this list. I have Caddyshack down a bit farther than other lists, but that doesn't mean I don't like it. I think it just hasn't aged as well as some of the other comedy classics.
26. Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
When this movie came out, it blew people's minds. People were quoting it all over the place. Do the chickens have large talons? It's a liger, it's pretty much my favorite animal forever. Vote for Pedro. Wherever you went, you heard Napoleon Dynamite quotes. It was so weird and funny, it was easily the best comedy of the early 2000s and one of the best comedies ever.
25. Borat: Cultural Learnings of American for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006)
Where does Borat rank in the history of comedies? It's certainly hilarious. It's a mix of real prank and hilarious sketch. There are few movies like it out there. But most importantly, if you watch it, you will laugh until you cry in certain places. And that's good enough for history.
24. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)
A lot of people have Anchorman higher on their list of best comedies ever. Maybe it's just me. I like it, but I don't seem to like it as much as other people. But I hope that if Ron ever reads this list of best comedies ever he gives me an "I'm not even mad, that's amazing."
23. 40 Year Old Virgin (2005)
There are some super funny moments in 40-Year-Old Virgin, but nothing hits you in the gut like the hair removal scene. It's one of those rare comedy moments that makes you cringe and cry laughing at the same time. And the cast when you rewatch this is kind of amazing. Almost all of them have gone on to do big, big things. Almost all of this cast is also on other best comedies ever lists.
22. Swingers (1996)
I'm not going to lie, this is one of my favorite movies of all time and easily one of the best comedies ever. Mostly because I not only lived through this time, but I would love to go back and relive it. I can't of course, but watching this movie will show you why Vince Vaughn is the Mick Jagger of comedy Every guy wants to be him, and every girl loves him (OK, maybe that's a stretch, but you get my drift.) And you can't forget the phone call scene is so excruciating, I can barely watch it.
21. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Monty Python definitely has a specific type of humor. Specifically, British humor. But you don't have to be British to love their movies. If you gave me some time, I could probably talk myself into having three Monty Python movies on this list, but I tried to spread the love and not make it too much Monty. But the Knights who say "Ni" needed to be on here.
20. The Big Lebowski (1998)
The dude abides. This movie just gets better and better the more you watch it. There's a reason it spawned it's own festival and holiday. And people still dress up as the dude on Halloween 15 years later. I can't think of one thing bad about this movie. It's more than funny, it's a philosophy.
19. The Jerk (1979)
Steve Martin is a genius. He has taken ridiculousness to an art form. And he does it better than anyone else. And this is his pinnacle. It seems to have been lost in the mist of time a little bit but that shouldn't stop you from watching it the next time it's on cable.
18. Trading Places (1983)
Young Eddie Murphy plus Young Dan Aykroyd equals one of the best comedies ever. There's no question that these two should have been paired more than just this once. But instead of lamenting what never came to be, just enjoy this comedy classic over and over again. And a naked Jamie Lee Curtis doesn't hurt things either.
17. Half Baked (1998)
Dave Chappelle should make more movies. It's safe to say if he made more movies he would appear on this list of best comedies ever much more than just once. That's all I want to say about Half Baked.
16. Ghostbusters (1984)
A classic in every right. Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis. And ghosts. Movies don't get much better than this. One of the best comedies ever for sure.
15. Wedding Crashers (2005)
Just let Vince Vaughn talk. That's all it really takes for a movie to be successful. You don't even need a script. You don't need other actors, really. When Vince Vaughn is on, there are few things funnier than just seeing his stream-of-consciousness mind at work. And no movie shows this better than Wedding Crashers. You may even think this is not just one of the best comedies ever, but the best.
14. Billy Madison (1995)
This may be generational, but Billy Madison is much funnier than it gets credit for. Adam Sandler is hilarious and this is the peak of his ridiculousness as art persona. Every line is funny. There's not a dull moment in the whole film and so many quotable moments that this belongs on a list of the best comedies ever.
13. Vacation (1985)
This isn't just a movie, it's a rite of passage. Chevy Chase is amazing. The script is amazing. Everything about Vacation is amazing. And even Christmas Vacation is awesome.
12. Monty Python's Meaning of Life (1983)
The Meaning of Life may contain the single funniest scene in film history. At the end, when the great big fat guy goes to the fancy restaurant and continues ordering food as he is throwing up, and then throws up on the cleaning woman who is cleaning up his throw up is maybe the moment where I have laughed the hardest in my entire life. That's all.
11. Old School (2003)
Earmuffs! Will Ferrell and Vince Vaughn need to be in more movies together. Make it happen, Hollywood.
10. Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
If you read the history of Fast Times, you'll see how this movie will never, ever be made ever again. It shouldn't even have been made at the time. But that's why its one of the smartest, funniest, and most importantly, realest movies ever made. Learn it. Live it. Love it.
9. Animal House (1978)
Another in the comedy canon. We miss you Jim Belushi. We miss you a lot. Food Fight!
8. The Blues Brothers (1980)
Half traditional comedy, half musical, this movie of a couple of guys on a mission from God probably trashed more cars than any other movie ever (I'm sure this record still holds to this day.) From Illinois Nazis to the Good Ol' Boys, this is hands down one of the funniest movies ever made.
7. Office Space (1999)
You know when a movie is so funny because it's real, instead of ridiculousness. That's what made Mike Judge's cubicle comedy such a hit. It never got the due it deserved in theaters, but Office Space is one of those movies that you can judge someone by. If they like it, then they are cool.
6. Team America (2004)
Who knew Puppets would still be funny in the 2000s. Leave it to the South Park guys to make one of the funniest movies of all time using, yep, puppets. From the songs to the sex scene (it's worth watching the uncensored version) this could easily be #1 on this list.
5. The Naked Gun (1988)
The best part about The Naked Gun and the next movie on this list is that they are movies that have one goal in mind: Make you laugh every single second. The script doesn't matter. It's not second on the list of importance. It's probably like, 10th on that list. It's all about the gags. And when 99% of them work, you've got an amazing movie.
4. Airplane (1980)
Airplane set the bar for a long time on what a comedy could be. Don't worry about the love story. Don't worry about the story at all, actually. Just do whatever it takes to make people laugh. And Airplane does that over and over and over and over again.
3. Spinal Tap (1984)
This one probably resonates with guys more than girls, because young boys were the ones who loved those 70s and 80s ridiculous rock bands. And this was the first "mockumentary" ever and it's still the best. I could have easily put "Waiting for Guffman" on this list. As well as "Best in Show." But Spinal Tap was the first and best of Christopher Guest's forays into film. This movie is so smart and funny and way before it's time.
2. South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut (1999)
The show is awesome, so the movie should be even awesomer, right? (I know, awesomer isn't a word.) But the first time I saw this movie I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing. So technically perfect and yet still fun at the same time. That's the genius of Matt Stone and Trey Parker.
1. Coming to America (1988)
Movies don't get better than this. This movie came out 25 years ago and it is still not only relevant, but hilarious. Sexual Chocolate! That scene alone deserves to be on this list, not to mention the barbershop scenes, the McDowell's scenes and everything in between. Let your soul glow. I could go on and on. But watch this movie again. It is the funniest movie ever made. We love you Eddie Murphy.
Thanks for reading this list of the best comedies ever. Hope you liked it!
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The 50 Best Comedies Ever

50 Best Comedies Ever. Wet Hot American Summer (2001)
It seems like WHAS is on almost every underrated comedy list that has ever appeared on the Internet. We say it deserves to get off the underrated list and make the all-time list here. If you haven't seen it, go see it now. It's hilarious.

These are the 50 best comedies ever. This is one man's opinion, but I watch a lot of movies and I love comedies. Feel free to disagree and tell me what I forgot in the comments.
50. Wet Hot American Summer (2001)
It seems like WHAS is on almost every underrated comedy list that has ever appeared on the Internet. We say it deserves to get off the underrated list and make best comedies ever list here. If you haven't seen it, go see it now. It's hilarious.
49. CB4 (1993)
If there's one blank spot on Chris Rock's resume it's a lack of huge, big comedy successes. And that's a shame because it seems like CB4, the story of suburban black kids pretending to be from the ghetto to gain street cred for their rap group, seems to be forever stuck in the "cult classic" bin. But that doesn't make it any less funny.
48. Back to School (1986)
For a comedian as important as Rodney Dangerfield, he didn't do a whole lot of movies. But the ones he was in, wow. They are awesome. Between Back to School and Caddyshack, he had one of the best batting averages of all time.
47. Superbad (2007)
This comedy starring Michael Cera and a much younger and fatter Jonah Hill came out of nowhere to put both of these guys (as well as the kid who played McLovin) on the comedy map. Jonah Hill has gone on to win an Academy Award but Superbad will always be one his best-loved comedies.
46. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994)
Jim Carrey has assured himself a place in the comedy hall of fame and this may have been the movie to set him apart as not just a guy who's good on sketch comedy (he started on In Living Color) but as a guy who could carry an entire movie (let alone of the best comedies ever) with his facial features and ridiculous antics.
45. The Hangover (2009)
Don't let the subpar sequels tarnish your memory of the very first Hangover movie (although the third one is actually pretty good.) The Hangover is hilarious. Zack Galifianakus is hilarious. Even the baby is hilarious.
44. Election (1999)
There aren't many movies like Election. Starring Matthew Broderick and Reese Witherspoon, Election is part drama, part comedy, but the part comedy is so smart that it belongs on the list of best comedies ever. This is so criminally underrated that it should be on every funny movie list ever created.
43. Clueless (1995)
When Clueless first came out I think it got a bad rap as just a dumb comedy for dumb people. Well, it's not. It's super smart and funny. And proof of that is how it has stood the test of time. It's still funny 20 years later.
42. 48 Hours (1982)
There's really nothing a young Eddie Murphy couldn't do that I wouldn't watch. Eddie was 23 years old when 48 Hours came out. That is insane if you watch this. His confidence, his ability to play roles beyond his years is unbelievable. He's a genius. He's the best. Eddie Murphy we still love you.
41. I'm Gonna Git You Sucka (1988)
When I was younger, this was always a movie I heard about but had to go find it to see it. And it was worth it. It launched the careers of the Wayans brothers and there's a reason why you find it on a lot of best comedies ever lists. Mainly because it's really, really, funny.)
40. Wayne's World (1992)
Mike Meyers is going through a bit of a rough patch now. He's fallen far out of favor and all of his new endeavors have bombed. And to be honest, a lot of his movies haven't aged very well. 15 years ago, Austin Powers would be at the top of almost every best comedies ever lists and it doesn't even crack the top 50 now. But Waynes World will always have a soft spot for everyone who grew up in the 80s and early 90s. It belongs on a list of the best comedies ever.
39. Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
We've already discussed how Eddie Murphy can (almost) do no wrong in our eyes. And Beverly Hills Cop is another example of Eddie in his prime. Heck, even the sequels were pretty good. And who doesn't like Judge Reinhold?
38. Blazing Saddles (1974)
This movie was a little before my time, but even at a young age I was very aware of the campfire bean eating scene, which may be one of the more classic comedy scenes in history. Everyone I knew growing up, from my grandmother to my mother to the kid down the street talked about this scene for the whole year after Blazing Saddles came out. Oh, and the rest of it is really funny, too.
37. Tommy Boy (1995)
Chris Farley died too early. This is a well-known fact. Which adds a bit of sadness to any Chris Farley comedy. But thankfully it doesn't dim the mood more than this big lug brightens it. I still say "fat guy in a little coat" to this day. And it's funny every single time. Definitely deserving of best comedies ever status.
36. Bridesmaids (2011)
I hate breaking comedy up into the sexes, but it feels kind of fake to not point out that this might be the funniest female comedy of all time. Not that there are a lot of them, but most female-based comedies turn into a rom com of some sort. Bridesmaids, thankfully, never opts for that easy path. Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy are hilarious throughout. And the diarrhea scene is up there with any comedy scene ever.
35. Zoolander (2001)
Another cult classic, this was Ben Stiller's pet project. And while it's funnier than almost any Ben Stiller movie out there, for some reason it didn't do as well in the theaters as expected. If you ever seen this on cable while you're scrolling through, there's a good chance you're going to put your remote down and watch the rest of it.
34. Friday (1995)
Who knew Ice Cube was funny? (We all knew Chris Tucker was funny.) But this hood comedy full of weed references delivers time and time again. The sequels may not have, but we're not ranking the sequels here, are we?
33. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
What's left to say about Ferris? Everything has been said about this movie that needs to be said, so let's just enjoy it for what it is and move on.
32. There's Something About Mary (1998)
If I had to pick a favorite moment from There's Something About Mary, which isn't an easy thing to pick, I would have to pick something that is a little more subtle, but makes me laugh everytime I think about it. And that's Matt Dylan's oversized teeth. He has them installed because he heard Mary say something about loving large choppers while he was listening to her over surveillance. It's little things like that that make this one of the best loved comedies ever.
31. Groundhog Day (1993)
If you're like me, there's a good chance that you will watch Bill Murray in anything. Which makes it even better when he's in a movie that isn't the same cookie cutter crap you see all the time. This script is so weird and off the wall that only someone like Bill Murray could pull it off.
30. Kingpin (1996)
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this is one of the most underrated comedies ever. From the beginning scene where the little kid tries to jump over the fence and falls to the very end Kingpin is just flat out hilarious. I'm not sure why it doesn't show up on more best comedies ever list. Watch it again and tell me I'm wrong.
29. Fletch (1985)
Chevy Chase had a great run in the 80s. From Saturday Night Live to the Vacation movies, he was awesome. But don't sleep on Fletch. It's one of his finest moments of his career.
28. Dumb and Dumber (1994)
Jim Carrey was a hit machine in the early 90s and you would go see anything he put out. And the best part was, almost all of it was good (even after he left comedy behind and focused on dramas), the man has had an almost impeccable career. The best part of this movie is the title, though, I think. You know exactly what you're going to get, and it delivers in spades.
27. Caddyshack (1980)
1980 was a great year for movies. Both Caddyshack and Blues Brothers came out in this year and both are featured on this list. I have Caddyshack down a bit farther than other lists, but that doesn't mean I don't like it. I think it just hasn't aged as well as some of the other comedy classics.
26. Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
When this movie came out, it blew people's minds. People were quoting it all over the place. Do the chickens have large talons? It's a liger, it's pretty much my favorite animal forever. Vote for Pedro. Wherever you went, you heard Napoleon Dynamite quotes. It was so weird and funny, it was easily the best comedy of the early 2000s and one of the best comedies ever.
25. Borat: Cultural Learnings of American for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006)
Where does Borat rank in the history of comedies? It's certainly hilarious. It's a mix of real prank and hilarious sketch. There are few movies like it out there. But most importantly, if you watch it, you will laugh until you cry in certain places. And that's good enough for history.
24. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)
A lot of people have Anchorman higher on their list of best comedies ever. Maybe it's just me. I like it, but I don't seem to like it as much as other people. But I hope that if Ron ever reads this list of best comedies ever he gives me an "I'm not even mad, that's amazing."
23. 40 Year Old Virgin (2005)
There are some super funny moments in 40-Year-Old Virgin, but nothing hits you in the gut like the hair removal scene. It's one of those rare comedy moments that makes you cringe and cry laughing at the same time. And the cast when you rewatch this is kind of amazing. Almost all of them have gone on to do big, big things. Almost all of this cast is also on other best comedies ever lists.
22. Swingers (1996)
I'm not going to lie, this is one of my favorite movies of all time and easily one of the best comedies ever. Mostly because I not only lived through this time, but I would love to go back and relive it. I can't of course, but watching this movie will show you why Vince Vaughn is the Mick Jagger of comedy Every guy wants to be him, and every girl loves him (OK, maybe that's a stretch, but you get my drift.) And you can't forget the phone call scene is so excruciating, I can barely watch it.
21. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Monty Python definitely has a specific type of humor. Specifically, British humor. But you don't have to be British to love their movies. If you gave me some time, I could probably talk myself into having three Monty Python movies on this list, but I tried to spread the love and not make it too much Monty. But the Knights who say "Ni" needed to be on here.
20. The Big Lebowski (1998)
The dude abides. This movie just gets better and better the more you watch it. There's a reason it spawned it's own festival and holiday. And people still dress up as the dude on Halloween 15 years later. I can't think of one thing bad about this movie. It's more than funny, it's a philosophy.
19. The Jerk (1979)
Steve Martin is a genius. He has taken ridiculousness to an art form. And he does it better than anyone else. And this is his pinnacle. It seems to have been lost in the mist of time a little bit but that shouldn't stop you from watching it the next time it's on cable.
18. Trading Places (1983)
Young Eddie Murphy plus Young Dan Aykroyd equals one of the best comedies ever. There's no question that these two should have been paired more than just this once. But instead of lamenting what never came to be, just enjoy this comedy classic over and over again. And a naked Jamie Lee Curtis doesn't hurt things either.
17. Half Baked (1998)
Dave Chappelle should make more movies. It's safe to say if he made more movies he would appear on this list of best comedies ever much more than just once. That's all I want to say about Half Baked.
16. Ghostbusters (1984)
A classic in every right. Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis. And ghosts. Movies don't get much better than this. One of the best comedies ever for sure.
15. Wedding Crashers (2005)
Just let Vince Vaughn talk. That's all it really takes for a movie to be successful. You don't even need a script. You don't need other actors, really. When Vince Vaughn is on, there are few things funnier than just seeing his stream-of-consciousness mind at work. And no movie shows this better than Wedding Crashers. You may even think this is not just one of the best comedies ever, but the best.
14. Billy Madison (1995)
This may be generational, but Billy Madison is much funnier than it gets credit for. Adam Sandler is hilarious and this is the peak of his ridiculousness as art persona. Every line is funny. There's not a dull moment in the whole film and so many quotable moments that this belongs on a list of the best comedies ever.
13. Vacation (1985)
This isn't just a movie, it's a rite of passage. Chevy Chase is amazing. The script is amazing. Everything about Vacation is amazing. And even Christmas Vacation is awesome.
12. Monty Python's Meaning of Life (1983)
The Meaning of Life may contain the single funniest scene in film history. At the end, when the great big fat guy goes to the fancy restaurant and continues ordering food as he is throwing up, and then throws up on the cleaning woman who is cleaning up his throw up is maybe the moment where I have laughed the hardest in my entire life. That's all.
11. Old School (2003)
Earmuffs! Will Ferrell and Vince Vaughn need to be in more movies together. Make it happen, Hollywood.
10. Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
If you read the history of Fast Times, you'll see how this movie will never, ever be made ever again. It shouldn't even have been made at the time. But that's why its one of the smartest, funniest, and most importantly, realest movies ever made. Learn it. Live it. Love it.
9. Animal House (1978)
Another in the comedy canon. We miss you Jim Belushi. We miss you a lot. Food Fight!
8. The Blues Brothers (1980)
Half traditional comedy, half musical, this movie of a couple of guys on a mission from God probably trashed more cars than any other movie ever (I'm sure this record still holds to this day.) From Illinois Nazis to the Good Ol' Boys, this is hands down one of the funniest movies ever made.
7. Office Space (1999)
You know when a movie is so funny because it's real, instead of ridiculousness. That's what made Mike Judge's cubicle comedy such a hit. It never got the due it deserved in theaters, but Office Space is one of those movies that you can judge someone by. If they like it, then they are cool.
6. Team America (2004)
Who knew Puppets would still be funny in the 2000s. Leave it to the South Park guys to make one of the funniest movies of all time using, yep, puppets. From the songs to the sex scene (it's worth watching the uncensored version) this could easily be #1 on this list.
5. The Naked Gun (1988)
The best part about The Naked Gun and the next movie on this list is that they are movies that have one goal in mind: Make you laugh every single second. The script doesn't matter. It's not second on the list of importance. It's probably like, 10th on that list. It's all about the gags. And when 99% of them work, you've got an amazing movie.
4. Airplane (1980)
Airplane set the bar for a long time on what a comedy could be. Don't worry about the love story. Don't worry about the story at all, actually. Just do whatever it takes to make people laugh. And Airplane does that over and over and over and over again.
3. Spinal Tap (1984)
This one probably resonates with guys more than girls, because young boys were the ones who loved those 70s and 80s ridiculous rock bands. And this was the first "mockumentary" ever and it's still the best. I could have easily put "Waiting for Guffman" on this list. As well as "Best in Show." But Spinal Tap was the first and best of Christopher Guest's forays into film. This movie is so smart and funny and way before it's time.
2. South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut (1999)
The show is awesome, so the movie should be even awesomer, right? (I know, awesomer isn't a word.) But the first time I saw this movie I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing. So technically perfect and yet still fun at the same time. That's the genius of Matt Stone and Trey Parker.
1. Coming to America (1988)
Movies don't get better than this. This movie came out 25 years ago and it is still not only relevant, but hilarious. Sexual Chocolate! That scene alone deserves to be on this list, not to mention the barbershop scenes, the McDowell's scenes and everything in between. Let your soul glow. I could go on and on. But watch this movie again. It is the funniest movie ever made. We love you Eddie Murphy.
Thanks for reading this list of the best comedies ever. Hope you liked it!