O.M.G. If this pug gallery doesn't make you want to run out and get a pug RIGHT FRIGGIN' NOW, then you have no soul. Seriously, I want to stop typing this, get off the couch, and go down to the shelter and see if there are any pugs that I can take home and start leading my incredibly awesome life with. But there probably won't even be any pugs in the shelter because they are so cute nobody can live without one.
In this amazing collection of pug photos, you see pugs doing all the things a pug does. Such as not only being cute, but walking on it's hind legs, apologizing to its owners for doing something bad in a really cute and coy way, wearing an E.T. blanket while in an E.T. bicycle basket, wearing a wig, dressed up as a gnome, having a birthday, and wearing a pair of amazing goggles that is so amazing to see that you feel like your own eyes might pop out of your head. They are that cute!
Click through this awesome gallery of pug photos and gifs and try not to laugh, smile, and share with all your friends. And whenever you're having a bad day, just come back and look at this gallery, and all will be OK again.
35 of the Best Pug Moments in History

O.M.G. If this pug gallery doesn't make you want to run out and get a pug RIGHT FRIGGIN' NOW, then you have no soul. Seriously, I want to stop typing this, get off the couch, and go down to the shelter and see if there are any pugs that I can take home and start leading my incredibly awesome life with. But there probably won't even be any pugs in the shelter because they are so cute nobody can live without one.
In this amazing collection of pug photos, you see pugs doing all the things a pug does. Such as not only being cute, but walking on it's hind legs, apologizing to its owners for doing something bad in a really cute and coy way, wearing an E.T. blanket while in an E.T. bicycle basket, wearing a wig, dressed up as a gnome, having a birthday, and wearing a pair of amazing goggles that is so amazing to see that you feel like your own eyes might pop out of your head. They are that cute!
Click through this awesome gallery of pug photos and gifs and try not to laugh, smile, and share with all your friends. And whenever you're having a bad day, just come back and look at this gallery, and all will be OK again.