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Most Ridiculous Beer Names of All Time Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures


Forget about Miller and Budweiser. Crazy beer names are becoming more and more popular for those who like a different kind of brew.

Crazy beer names like Buttface Amber Ale and Santa's Butt are lining the shelves, and it's not just silly fraternity guys who are drinking them. These crazy beer names are created not just by jokesters but by talented brewers who just happen to have a sense of humor. If you're going to crack open a cold one, why not have it be a bottle that will also make you crack up?

Once you start looking for crazy beer names, you'll start seeing them everywhere. Moose Drool, Polygamy Porter, Blithering Idiot and Seriously Bad Elf are just a few of our favorites, and these cold ones are taking the beer world by storm. With ridiculous names like I'll Have What The Gentleman On The Floor Is Having, Arrogant Bastard and He'Brew: The Chosen beer, we have to think these beers are here to last. These beers also make a great holiday, birthday, or hostesss gift. Who wouldn't want a guest to show up with a six-pack of Pigs Ass Porter or an Ill Tempered Gnome? This hostess would! Scroll through our gallery above to see the most crazy beer names of all time.

Most Ridiculous Beer Names of All Time

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Forget about Miller and Budweiser. Crazy beer names are becoming more and more popular for those who like a different kind of brew.

Crazy beer names like Buttface Amber Ale and Santa's Butt are lining the shelves, and it's not just silly fraternity guys who are drinking them. These crazy beer names are created not just by jokesters but by talented brewers who just happen to have a sense of humor. If you're going to crack open a cold one, why not have it be a bottle that will also make you crack up?

Once you start looking for crazy beer names, you'll start seeing them everywhere. Moose Drool, Polygamy Porter, Blithering Idiot and Seriously Bad Elf are just a few of our favorites, and these cold ones are taking the beer world by storm. With ridiculous names like I'll Have What The Gentleman On The Floor Is Having, Arrogant Bastard and He'Brew: The Chosen beer, we have to think these beers are here to last. These beers also make a great holiday, birthday, or hostesss gift. Who wouldn't want a guest to show up with a six-pack of Pigs Ass Porter or an Ill Tempered Gnome? This hostess would! Scroll through our gallery above to see the most crazy beer names of all time.

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