Behold the adorable puppy. He's cute enough to kick off this hilarious collection of funny photos. As you probably know if you're a fan of Dose of Funny, we like funny pictures more than most. And we hope you do too. So we put together some of the best funny pictures galleries on the Internet and share them with you. So hopefully you can share them with your friends.
Today's funny photo gallery starts with the adorable puppy who has to go to the vet and is really hoping that this trip isn't going to hurt very much. And his face is telling the story more than the meme text on the photo is.
Also in today's funny pictures gallery is the trash chair (we're not sure who thought it would be a good idea to put the trash can at this fast food restaurant right next to the chair, but it gives a new meaning to the game of thrones.)
Another favorite in this funny pictures gallery is the Spock cat who says Live Long and Pawspurr while he's holding up his paw in the same way Spock from Star Trek used to. And the meme photo that wonders why it's always sunny when you're at work, but it's always cloudy when you have a day off.
There's also the kid's drawing of a baseball bat that doesn't look like a baseball bat. A rabbit with exceptionally funny hair (a hare with hair flare) and that face you make when the doctor asks how many drinks you've had in a week. So there's much more than just the adorable puppy in this funny pictures gallery.
If you like these, check back for more funny pictures here.
Funny Pictures – The Adorable Puppy Edition

Funny Pictures: The adorable puppy visits the vet.

Behold the adorable puppy. He's cute enough to kick off this hilarious collection of funny photos. As you probably know if you're a fan of Dose of Funny, we like funny pictures more than most. And we hope you do too. So we put together some of the best funny pictures galleries on the Internet and share them with you. So hopefully you can share them with your friends.
Today's funny photo gallery starts with the adorable puppy who has to go to the vet and is really hoping that this trip isn't going to hurt very much. And his face is telling the story more than the meme text on the photo is.
Also in today's funny pictures gallery is the trash chair (we're not sure who thought it would be a good idea to put the trash can at this fast food restaurant right next to the chair, but it gives a new meaning to the game of thrones.)
Another favorite in this funny pictures gallery is the Spock cat who says Live Long and Pawspurr while he's holding up his paw in the same way Spock from Star Trek used to. And the meme photo that wonders why it's always sunny when you're at work, but it's always cloudy when you have a day off.
There's also the kid's drawing of a baseball bat that doesn't look like a baseball bat. A rabbit with exceptionally funny hair (a hare with hair flare) and that face you make when the doctor asks how many drinks you've had in a week. So there's much more than just the adorable puppy in this funny pictures gallery.
If you like these, check back for more funny pictures here.