Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless have been doing ESPN's First Take for a very, very long time. And by now most people think of Skip Bayless as a blowhard contrarian who will pretty much say anything to try and get a rise out of whoever it is he is talking to on ESPN. And most of the time, he is talking to Stephen A. Smith. Now, over time, there's been a bit of a schticky relationship built between Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless, because Stephen A's outrage at Skip's total faux arguments plays well to the camera, but we actually feel sorry that Stephen A. subjects himself morning after morning to Skip's wheezy little whine and pointless words. But it's still worth laughing at the way Stephen A. carries himself and his body language when Skip is talking. Usually the look on his face is worth the price of admission. What's their relationship like really? Who knows. But here are a few of the best screenshots of Stephen A. Smith looking either annoyed or tired or completely disinterested at whatever it is that's coming out of Skip Bayless' mouth.
How long will this show go on with these two going at each other and Stephen A forcing himself to live with Skip Bayless and his ridiculous and whiny musings? Well, that's for Stephen A to decide. To be honest, we're not even sure why ESPN's First Take is still on the air, but I guess you don't have to kill it in the ratings department to look decent in the late morning. And let's face it, if I was Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless, these are easily the best hours to work. You don't have to get up at the crack of dawn like Mike and Mike and you are done in time for Happy Hour.
Stephen A. Smith Really Doesn’t Like Skip Bayless
Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless have been doing ESPN's First Take for a very, very long time. And by now most people think of Skip Bayless as a blowhard contrarian who will pretty much say anything to try and get a rise out of whoever it is he is talking to on ESPN. And most of the time, he is talking to Stephen A. Smith. Now, over time, there's been a bit of a schticky relationship built between Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless, because Stephen A's outrage at Skip's total faux arguments plays well to the camera, but we actually feel sorry that Stephen A. subjects himself morning after morning to Skip's wheezy little whine and pointless words. But it's still worth laughing at the way Stephen A. carries himself and his body language when Skip is talking. Usually the look on his face is worth the price of admission. What's their relationship like really? Who knows. But here are a few of the best screenshots of Stephen A. Smith looking either annoyed or tired or completely disinterested at whatever it is that's coming out of Skip Bayless' mouth.

How long will this show go on with these two going at each other and Stephen A forcing himself to live with Skip Bayless and his ridiculous and whiny musings? Well, that's for Stephen A to decide. To be honest, we're not even sure why ESPN's First Take is still on the air, but I guess you don't have to kill it in the ratings department to look decent in the late morning. And let's face it, if I was Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless, these are easily the best hours to work. You don't have to get up at the crack of dawn like Mike and Mike and you are done in time for Happy Hour.

How long will this show go on with these two going at each other and Stephen A forcing himself to live with Skip Bayless and his ridiculous and whiny musings? Well, that's for Stephen A to decide. To be honest, we're not even sure why ESPN's First Take is still on the air, but I guess you don't have to kill it in the ratings department to look decent in the late morning. And let's face it, if I was Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless, these are easily the best hours to work. You don't have to get up at the crack of dawn like Mike and Mike and you are done in time for Happy Hour.